Kiiroo Keon vs. HotOctopuss Pulse Solo Comparison

A comparison of the Kiiroo Keon vs. HotOctopuss Pulse Solo Interactive Male Masturbators. Compare two groundbreaking interactive male masturbators that take your intimate experiences to a whole new level.

The stigma of men using sex toys – Are they creepy?

Although they have been around for a few years, the rising popularity of male sex toys has also revealed stigmas surrounding their use. Many men may feel as though using a sex toy is some kind of self-admittance of having a problem that needs to be fixed. In this article, we’ll be looking at the stigma of men using sex toys, and how the industry as a whole is changing to address some of these issues.


The stigma of men using sex toys – Are they creepy?

Although they have been around for a few years, the rising popularity of male sex toys has also revealed stigmas surrounding their use. Many men may feel as though using a sex toy is some kind of self-admittance of having a problem that needs to be fixed. In this article, we’ll be looking at the stigma of men using sex toys, and how the industry as a whole is changing to address some of these issues.