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    Thrilling Summer Fox Adventures with Interactive Toys at FeelXVideos

    Thrilling Summer Fox Adventures with Interactive Toys at FeelXVideos
    Thrilling Summer Fox Adventures with Interactive Toys at FeelXVideos

    Summer Fox is a rising star in the adult entertainment industry. In this intimate interview with Summer Fox, she guides us through a journey into her adventurous world. We venture beyond the spotlight, revealing the narrative of her entry into the adult industry. We uncover her journey, passions, and partnership with the FeelXVideos adult platform.

    A significant aspect of our conversation revolves around her groundbreaking collaboration with FeelXVideos. This partnership not only highlights her professional acumen but also her desire to push boundaries in adult entertainment. Through FeelXVideos, Summer offers an immersive experience that allows fans to see, hear, and feel her performances, thanks to the innovative integration with interactive Kiiroo Toys. This venture is not just about entertainment; it’s a step towards a more interactive and personal connection with her audience.

    Exclusive Interview with Summer Fox

    Summer Fox’s entry into the adult industry is a story of curiosity and self-discovery. In this exclusive interview, she opens up about the initial steps that led her into this unique career path. Beyond the glitz and glamour, Summer is just like any other young individual, with hobbies and interests that paint a fuller picture of her off-camera persona. In addition to discussing her flourishing career, Summer shares her personal and professional goals.

    Join us as we explore the multifaceted life of Summer Fox, from her early days to her current triumphs and her vision for the future. It’s a journey through the lens of an artist who is redefining the norms of adult entertainment and connecting with her audience in unprecedented ways.

    Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to become an adult performer?

    So originally I was in recruitment and training to be a stage actress, but lockdown put a pause on my degree. Whilst in lockdown my friend, Peachy Skye, revealed to me that she was doing Adult Filming and Content. We were actually sitting in her hot tub and she’d been really quiet and nervous all day so I was pretty aware that there was something weird going on. Eventually she got the courage to tell me that she was in the industry. She was a little sheepish about it, as if she thought I was going to judge her but I loved it and I decided to try it myself… the rest, as they say, is history.

    Summer Fox and Peachy Skye - just started in the adult industry - interview - FeelXVideos
    Summer Fox and Peachy Skye just started in the adult industry interview FeelXVideos

    What were some of the key moments or decisions in your career that have shaped where you are today?

    I think one of the biggest key moments was being nominated for my first Xbiz Award this year, and subsequently going to the ceremony and seeing my name next to so many other great stars. I felt so special, and it made me feel like all the hard work had been noticed. One of my key decisions that shaped where I am was to start branching out of solo content and start doing more collaborations, or collabs as we call them. It led me to meeting so many new, wonderful people in the industry who have now become my friends.

    Adult movies FeelXVideos

    How has your experience in the adult entertainment industry evolved over the years?

    I started in the industry as a solo performer, making my own content at home. Since then I’ve started doing Girl Girl collaborations and Boy Girl Collaborations, some professional video shoots and also some professional photo shoots. I always get a bit of imposter syndrome when I do the latter, because I’m so used to being alone in front of a camera and the ‘Wow, do they really want me?’ feeling can be quite overwhelming. Sometimes I look back at how far I’ve come and I can scarcely believe it.

    What are some misconceptions people have about your profession, and how do you address them?

    I think the biggest misconception is that Adult Work is just prostitution. That’s a separate umbrella to the Sex Workers world and it’s hard to explain to people that there are so many branches. For example, I have to explain that 30% of what I do is Sfw (Safe For Work). My particular niche is focused on rare fetishes such as newspaper scrunching or balloon popping. Yes I do have sex on camera, but it’s not all I do.

    How have you grown both personally and professionally since starting your career?

    Professionally, I think my content has grown the most. Not only have I learnt so much about new kinks and fetishes since I began, but I have also gone from filming on my phone to better, high tech equipment which has resulted in better quality, more professional looking content. I have learnt a lot about the way I film too, and have developed my videography skills through trial and error to better the overall outcome. When I started, I didn’t think of the position of the camera, or even the editing of the colors of the video post filming, and now I look back and realise how big a difference those things together can make.
    Personally, I’m wiser than I was when I first started. Originally I was very wide eyed and unaware of everything in the industry, but I have watched and learned and that has changed the person I am now greatly.

    Can you tell us about your partnership with FeelXVideos? How did it come about?

    My partnership with FeelXVideos began with them reaching out to me via Social Media. We chatted a little and then had a video call. We connected greatly on our ideas and values which led to us creating a partnership that has spawned great creative moments and a lot of personal gratification for myself. Again, the imposter syndrome made me so shocked that FeelXVideos wanted to work with me, but I count my lucky stars everyday that they reached out to me.

    What makes this partnership unique or beneficial for you and the company?

    My partnership with FeelXVideos has bought me many things. To start with, it’s boosted my knowledge of the industry and it has been very interesting to watch and learn the way that FeelXVideos works. They are consummate professionals and their knowledge is something I have learned a lot from. I think there’s also a level of camaraderie and friendship there which is so nice for me. Being a work from home Adult Worker means I don’t have the social interactions that a regular in-office worker would have; Little video calls from the FeelXVideos team brighten my day, make me feel part of their network and give me the extra push I need to further my content.

    Summer Fox’ Interactive Pleasure Bundle

    Now you can watch and feel Summer Fox like real. Summer Fox’ Interactive Pleasure Bundle consists of a membership card for watching her and other porn stars on FeelXVideos, and the Lamborghini among the male masturbators: the interactive Kiiroo Keon including the original Keon stroker. This is the full package.

    Summer Fox with Kiiroo Keon and Adult Movies - FeelXVideos
    Summer Fox with Kiiroo Keon and Adult Movies FeelXVideos

    I’d advise you to get the VR Headset as well to make this adventure complete. If you already have the Keon, you can always get a membership and enjoy Summer Fox interactively.

    Can you give tips for men using your Pleasure Bundle?

    Enjoy it! Make it like a special date night with me. Plan it, give yourself plenty of time (and lube!) and have a good time with me. It’s called a Pleasure Bundle for a reason – Give in to the pleasure.

    Summer Fox Porn Movies and Interactive Toys Keon - FeelXVideos
    Summer Fox Porn Movies and Interactive Toys Keon FeelXVideos

    Are there any mentors or influences in the industry that have been pivotal for you?

    My biggest mentor and influence has to be my best friend, Peachy Skye. Firstly, I wouldn’t have been in the industry without her introducing me, and secondly, she has guided me and taught me so much that I wouldn’t have found without her. There have been many moments when I was unsure about what to do next, but she has been by my side as an unfaltering presence both professionally and personally; Always with unwavering support and love. She is an inspiration, through and through. She has drive and passion is rare to come across and I’m very blessed to say that a little of her sparkle has rubbed off on me and made me the performer I am today.

    What changes have you observed in the adult entertainment industry during your career?

    I’ve seen that the adult industry has sadly become more restricted. We try to break boundaries in the best ways possible, but that can be hard when the content you try to make is frowned upon and muzzled. What was considered acceptable yesterday is now being banned. Some websites are enforcing rules to make all the content we post Safe For Work. It makes me wonder how long our industry will exist.

    How do you think the industry can improve or evolve in the future?

    I think the key is always communication and openness. There are always ways that the industry can improve but, honestly, I think it is the world around the industry that needs to improve and evolve. Even just saying to someone that your job is to be a Sex Worker will 99% of the time elicit a frowned, disappointed reaction and it shouldn’t be like that. This is a job, like anything else, and considering the amount of people that watch porn and benefit from what we create it’s quite fascinating how many people shun the idea of the creators.

    Summer Fox Adult Star Movies and Interactive Toys Keon - FeelXVideos
    Summer Fox Adult Star Movies and Interactive Toys Keon FeelXVideos

    Can you describe your relationship with your fans? How do they impact your work?

    I have the most incredible fans. They have fully embraced me, and taught me so much about the myriads of content that can be made. I take custom video orders, which means the fans pay me a certain amount and then tell me exactly what they want and I bring it to life. I am so often surprised at the new fetishes and kinks that they give me, from buttcrack videos to bouncy castles, it’s fascinating. They also boost me every day with their little messages reminding me to keep going and making me smile. I’m very very lucky to have my fans.

    Do you participate in any community events or advocacy within the adult entertainment sphere?
    I don’t currently, because I’m still trying to balance everything I’m doing in life, but I’m hoping that with time I will be able to focus more on things such as community events or advocacy within the adult entertainment sphere.

    What are your aspirations for the future, both within and possibly outside the adult entertainment industry?

    My biggest aspiration is to keep the happiness I have found within the industry. It can be easy to become bitter towards a job when you’ve done it for a long time and when you have to put the amount of effort and hours into a job such as this one, but I never want to see it as anything other than what I see it as now; A blessing.
    It would be nice to be nominated for another Xbiz Award too, but that’s just me being greedy.

    Summer Fox XBiz Creator Awards Vote - FeelXVideos
    Summer Fox XBiz Creator Awards Vote FeelXVideos

    Are there any new projects or collaborations you’re excited about that you can share with us?
    I actually have a really exciting collab with Peachy Skye and Erin Moore coming up next week which will be really fun. I’ve extended my network of female creators a lot and we recently had a 13 girl collaboration event that I’m really hoping will happen again soon.

    Outside of your professional life, what are some of your hobbies or passions?

    My dogs. My dogs are my whole world. They are always with me whilst I work and I’m always walking and feeding them. I have three Sharpei, who are currently sitting at my feet begging for the leftovers from my breakfast plate. If I do get any spare time then I’m usually playing board games or video games. Scrabble is my absolute favorite and I could spend hours playing it, but I never have anyone to play it with, so sometimes I just sit and play against myself.

    How do you balance your work with your personal life?

    It’s a struggle. I find myself quite often burned out because I’m a people pleaser and I never want to say no to anything, which is good because it keeps me busy but it also means I don’t often have time for myself. It’s something I’m working on but haven’t quite got a hang of yet, fingers crossed I will in future.

    What advice would you give to someone considering a career in the adult entertainment industry?

    Know your worth. I think a lot of performers start in this industry and price themselves low because they think they aren’t worth any more than that but the best advice Peachy ever gave me was ‘You are a Lamborghini, Don’t forget it’. Always give yourself the credit you deserve, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

    What are the key things they should know or prepare for?

    It’s key to know that people will try and take advantage and you always have the right to say no. Sometimes people will try to bully you into lower rates on videos or into doing content that you don’t particularly want to make, but you are well within your rights to say no to that and only do what you want – It’s your job, you make the rules.

    What do you like most when performing in adult films?

    I like being someone else and knowing that I’m creating something super fun for someone else to treasure and enjoy. I’m also an actress at heart, so when someone gives me an idea and a role to play then it becomes like a challenge for me to sink my teeth into the new role that they’ve created just for me.

    Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers that we haven’t covered?

    I think the most important thing is that the readers know how much I appreciate where I am in the world thanks to the time and energy they have put into me. I would not be able to continue in the industry without their support whether that be through buying things like my Pleasure Bundle, but also emotionally. The kind words and friendship mean everything to me and I am eternally thankful for it.

    How can fans and interested readers learn more about you and your work?

    I’m on most social media platforms under @summerfoxy2002 (X, Insta, Tiktok etc) and I also have a website (summerfox.vip) where you can catch up with me and see where I’m headed next!