Home Lifestyle 25 Foods to Make You Horny

25 Foods to Make You Horny


Which foods can make you horny?

Honey, Ginger, Maca Root Powder, Pomegranate, and Goji Berries are examples of foods which can make you horny. Some foods increase your libido, while others function like a natural Viagra. If you want to ramp up your sexual energy and boost your sexual performance in the bedroom, here are some foods that you might want to try!

How foods awaken your sexual appetite

Combining food with sexual pleasure can be delicious in all sorts of ways. Food can stimulate your senses and activate your primal instincts for lust and passion. Food can, literally and figuratively, get your juices flowing. And food can make you horny for sex and awaken your sexual appetite.

The sexual appetite and the appetite for food have a lot in common. One can lead to the other – a dinner date that climaxes in a hot night of passion, bread dipped in balsamic vinegar and oil over a glass of wine shared with a lover, or fried eggs and bacon with freshly ground coffee for the morning after.

In fact, food is so inextricably linked to the totality of the sexual experience, that it’s difficult to have one without the other. Whether it’s a casual coffee date or movie popcorn, wherever there is sex, there is food.

There are many foods with well known aphrodisiac properties that you can eat to get you in the mood. So if you love the idea of combining two of your favorite passions at once, read on to discover 12 foods that make you horny, which you can enjoy with, or without, a partner.

“It’s simple: Women who pick at their food hate sex. Women who suck the meat off of lobster claws, order (and finish) dessert-these are the women who are going to rip your clothes off and come back for seconds.”

25 foods that make you horny

This berry like fruit contains an abundance of the sex vitamin, vitamin E, which can give your skin a youthful appearance and boost sex hormones which attract the opposite sex.

It’s also rich in beta-carotene and magnesium, and has more all the protein you need to keep your energy levels high all night long.

Fun fact: The Aztecs called Avocado tree the “Ahuacuatl”, or testicle tree-most likely due to the appearance of two avocado fruits hanging together from a stem.

Asparagus can help maintain a healthy libido and boost arousal. This vegetable contains Vitamin B6 and folate, nutrients which are known to support sexual health. Asparagus is also a good natural source of potassium, which can boost your sex hormones, and may lead to more powerful orgasms between the sheets.

Maca Root Powder
This Peruvian herb has been rumored to boost the libido and enhance the male sex drive.

While scientists are unsure of the precise mechanism used by Maca powder to awaken your sexual appetite, according to MD, Hylar Cass, it has been proven to improve the quality of semen and restore hormonal balance and fertility in men and women.

“In my practice, I have seen maca restore hormonal imbalance and related sexual desire and fertility in both men and women.” Hyla Cass, MD.

This powerful herb is used can help boost your sex drive and increase your sexual energy. Used with other warming herbs, such as Ginseng, you can create a potent herbal mix to supercharge your libido.

Rich in zinc and essential minerals, oysters preserve male sexual function and boost testosterone levels.

Zinc is also essential for the creation of dopamine, which helps your body stay in optimum sexual health and can improve sexual function.

Chocolate has been considered to be an aphrodisiac for thousands of yours. The Mayan and Aztec cultures even associated chocolate with the god of fertility.

Chocolate can increase serotonin production, which gets you in the mood, while stimulating your senses. Not only that, but eating chocolate is a very sensual experience, in and of itself. There’s nothing better than the sensation and taste of chocolate to get your lover in the mood.

And, if you don’t want to eat it from the wrapper, you can always melt the chocolate and lick it off your lover’s naked body.

Everything about this fruit screams sex, and the juice of this fruit is known to increase testosterone levels and boost libido of both men and women.

Pomegranates also increase your sensitivity to sexual stimuli, due to the abundance of antioxidants found in the fruit.

If boosting sexual arousal is top of your list, why not give it a try?!

You may be familiar with stories of how garlic can keep away vampires, but have you heard about its many aphrodisiac properties?

Garlic can increase sexual desire and performance, due to the presence of allicin, an organic sulfur compound which increases blood flow to the erogenous zones, along with other medical qualities.

Studies have found that it may also make you more attractive to the opposite sex by stimulating the axillary gland of the armpit. Odor naturale!

OK, so bananas clearly look phallic in appearance, but is there any truth to their use as an aphrodisiac?

Well, as it turns out, there is!

Banana contains bromelain, an enzyme which stimulates testosterone production, which also with potassium and vitamin B can boost your sexual appetite and energy levels. It’s the perfect fruit for marathon sex weekends!

Pine Nuts
Pin nuts are rich in zinc, and can boost your sexual energy and libido. A great food to use in pasta while you woo your lover with your culinary skills.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are another food that’s rich in zinc. Pumpkin seeds can strengthen your libido and promote the health of the prostrated gland. They’re also a great source of omega-2 essential fatty acids, which are vital for the production of sexual health.

Chili Peppers
If you like things hot both in and out of the bedroom, you’ll be glad to know that chili peppers contains capsaicin-the active component of chilies that boosts testosterone levels and releases endorphins. Chili peppers can raise your heart rate and get your blood flowing, all of which are good things in the bedroom.

But be careful! Make sure you wash your hands after handling chili peppers, as the burning sensation can be pain inducing if your fingertips come into contact with places they shouldn’t!

This controversial food type is actually a super food in more ways than one.

These tiny trees contain a high amount of vitamin C, which helps promote circulation and can increase libido.

They also contain a compound known as indole-3-carbinol. This can break down estrogen , so your body can flush it out naturally later.

Spinach contains lots of magnesium, which can increase blood flow and boost sexual arousal by preventing inflammation in the blood vessels.

It will also make you strong!

This natural Viagra will boost your libido, due to the presence of L-citrulline, a compound that relaxes blood vessels and boost blood flow.

Olive Oil
Olive oil promotes sexual health and can increase your libido. It’s a natural alternative to Viagra, and can cut the risk of erectile dysfunction in males by up to 40%.

Ok, this is food probably isn’t going to ignite your lover’s passion, but eaten regularly, oats can increase your libido and promote a healthy sex drive.

What better way to spice up your sex life than…spice?

Spices like cardamon, cinnamon, ginseng, saffron, and horny goat weed have natural Viagra like properties and can awaken your sexual desires.

If you’re looking for ways to increase your sex drive and sexual performance, why not try turmeric and cayenne? These fiery spices are guaranteed to heat things up in the bedroom!

The shape, scent, and succulent flavor of figs just scream sex.

Figs are aromatic, sensual, and rich in amino acids, which increases the pleasure response to sexual stimulation.

Goji Berries
These bright orange-red berries are an Asian superfood that’s great to eat by themselves, or in muesli and smoothies.

They have all sorts of health benefits, including keeping your skin looking young and fresh, plus they can also increase testosterone production.

You can think of goji berries as a sexual superfood, that will supercharge your sexual energy.

Ah, the birds and the bees!

Not just for honeymoons, the use of honey as an aphrodisiac dates long into the ancient past. This sweet nectar can give you a natural energy boost and stimulate your sexual desires.

Honey contains a chemical element called boron, which helps to regulate hormonal production and improves the sex drive.

Fatty fish like salmon and tuna can promote the production of dopamine, due to the abundances of omega-3 fatty acids. This powerful neurotransmitter can stimulate feelings of pleasure, which is a great way to get you in the mood for love.

Fish is also rich in amino acids, which can combat ED and boost your libido and sex drive.

Almonds use as a symbol of fertility stretches throughout history. They are rich in vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium, which can promote testosterone production and awaken your sexual appetite. Yummy!

Red Wine
Red wine can increase blood flow and has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the high concentration of Resveratrol-the miracle anti-aging antioxidant.

And, if you’d prefer not to risk the potential negative side effects of drinking alcohol before sex, you can always just feed your lover red grapes instead.

If drinking wine’s not your thing, or you want something to increase your libido and counter the negative effects of drinking alcohol, be sure to have some coffee to hand.

Coffee is a powerful aphrodisiac which can boost your stamina, promote blood flow, and stimulate the nervous system. This can improve your sexual performance and boost your libido, while countering the effects of erectile dysfunction.

Coffee also contains compounds which trigger the release of endorphins to get you in the mood. After-dinner Espresso has never tasted so good!